Looking to Recruit the next fishing phenom to your college team?
Then Come fish THE NATIONAL COLLEGIATE/HIGH SCHOOL ANGLER CHALLENGE with us on beautiful Lake Lanier.
Sept 29-30
We are no longer accepting high school applications for this Challenge. All new applications will be placed into the file for the next NCHSAC!
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High School Anglers
Each high school angler that is invited to enter this event has submitted a fishing resume and created an angler profile along with fishing as a co-angler in the back of a collegiate angler's boat. APPLY BY EMAILING nchsac@gmail.com and We will send a link.
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Get Involved
If you would like to bring your college team to gain access to the recruiting stage, please contact Matt Shinkle via Truett-McConnell matthew.shinkle@truett.edu
Please contact us for more information. We'd love to talk to you and hear your ideas and expectations for bridging the accomplished high school anglers to college.